Four Corners - Mesa Verde, CO

 Leaving Bryce, we had another long travel day of 7 hours to Mesa Verde. Stopping at Four corners before entering into Colorado. From our research the reservation closed at 4:45pm, we thought at sunset, bummer. We took a few photos just to remember we were there, even though we couldn't put one foot in all four states. We continued on our way to the mesa. We pull into Mesa Verde RV Resort gotta love when an RV park says resort, cause its not! Pool closed, WiFi was super spotty and no cable hook up. The showers were decent and the laundry facility was in check, so that was good. Enjoyed chatting with a girl from New Orleans, her and her husband were staying a week at a time at places places. She mentioned some friends that she has in Bellingham, WA and we laughed at the RV pros/ cons lifestyle! Elisha and Scott with a dog and a cat, they were fun, wish we had more time to hang out with them.

Elisha mentioned she been at four corners a couple times, she says the geographical  coordinates change and where you think four corners is, its a little off every time. Kingston liked hearing that, as he was bummed he couldn't step his foot right on the spot.

We unplugged from the RV park and made our way to Mesa Verde NP, stopped at the visitor center so K could get his NP book stamped and do science class for the day. We checked into our tour a bit early, but gave us time to have a snack and load up the camelback with water. We hiked the Cliff Palace, was 100 feet in and out of the canyon. Our rangers, John and NightEagle were great. NightEagle looked like Willie Nelson's brother, he had sweet braids and was the oldest national park ranger in the country, he was a Lokata Native to South Dakota. 
